I was so relieved that right from my induction day, everything was shown and taught at an introductory level – from the basic Accounting concepts, to using an array of different programmes and software and then eventually Accounts preparation and production.
Cody Swan- DBASS Trainee Story
Cody is an Economics, Politics and Law Graduate from Dublin City University. In June 2019 she started her journey with DBASS to become a Chartered Accountant.
I graduated from Dublin City University in 2018 after studying Economics, Politics and Law for 3 years, and started working for DBASS in June 2019 as a trainee chartered accountant. Having not done Accountancy since my Leaving Cert, I was very worried that I would be out of my depth, but from my first day, right up until today, I have received so much training, support and guidance from everyone on the DBASS Team.
I was so relieved that right from my induction day, everything was shown and taught at an introductory level – from the basic Accounting concepts, to using an array of different programmes and software and then eventually Accounts preparation and production - I never felt that I could not ask a question or request a concept to be re-explained. I felt so welcomed by everyone, and through the training and procedures that DBASS have in place, I was completely eased into the day to day environment and processes.
Even now, as I face my final year of exams, I am still learning so many new things every day and gaining experience in so many different areas. It was so helpful to be able to receive first hand training and guidance from so many different team members, including managers and Partners.
I am currently a member of a non-audit team in DBASS and day to day I am involved in Accounts preparation and production and Taxation. Every day is different in DBASS and it is great to be able to learn first-hand about so many different areas and industries from the DBASS team and our clients.
It became much easier for me to transition into new areas and gain more understanding once I began my Chartered Accountancy coursework. I was able to grasp concepts more quickly and apply my learning directly to the work environment. Currently I am engaged in distance learning with Chartered Accountants Ireland where all course material is recorded and I have a mixture of live webinars and pre-recorded lectures. There is also a platform to ask questions online relating to any of the course content, and you can ask as many questions as you need during the live sessions into a question text box. I find it so helpful when I am studying to be able to re-watch certain topics again to ensure I have grasped them fully.
I am so grateful to have started my journey to becoming a Chartered Accountant at DBASS, where I have received so much support towards my journey to becoming a Chartered Accountant.
Every day is different in DBASS and it is great to be able to learn first-hand about so many different areas and industries from the DBASS team and our clients.